Posts tagged training
The Gut - A guide for athletes

An insight into gut health, it’s importance in our lives, and what we can do to improve our gut health.

In many ways, our gut is part of our identity; totally unique and responsible for many of our initial emotions and feelings. Gut issues can affect our day, how we connect to others and our level of self esteem. Given the power it holds over our wellbeing and performance, it is important that we do everything we can to maximise our gut health.

Primarily, the gut is the process of converting food to fuel, accessing the nutrients needed and handling all the stuff we really do not need. Within the gut is a range of third party bacteria and organisms, helping (or hindering) the breakdown and extraction of the good from the bad in whatever we consume.

What happens when our gut health suffers, and what can be done to prevent and treat this?

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Training with a purpose – Aurora Gallacher

I have been trying to work on this confidence and accepting that it is ok to fail, because it is ok to fail! Use the training you have to develop who you want to become as an athlete and as a person.

Train with a purpose and know that sometimes training will be for failing but these training hours will add up to help you get better every day if you chose to invest your time and effort to use these hours effectively.

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